Chiropractic Care

What is it?

Chiropractors are primary health care providers who are trained to evaluate, diagnose, and treat conditions of the spine, muscles, joints, and nervous system. Chiropractic care provides pain relief with the use of hands on, non-invasive and drug-free therapy. The goal of chiropractic care is to improve joint function and mobility, reduce pain, and improve muscle strength resulting in improved quality of life and improved body performance.

What is an adjustment?

To perform an adjustment, your chiropractor will use their hands to apply controlled force to your joint and guide it through a range of motion. This action restores your joint’s natural movement and improves its function and alleviates pain and tension.

How we’re different.

Our Chiropractor takes time to assess the whole patient and determine the root cause of pain or dysfunction. We focus on providing solutions that are long-term, holistic and sustainable. Our patient-centred approach fused with our multidisciplinary practice means that you have an entire team of health-care professionals working together to best serve your health and your body.


Your first session.

Your chiropractor will assess your condition by taking a detailed history, physical and will use their clinical expertise and the best available evidence to make a diagnosis and recommend treatment options for you. The treatment will depend on the patient and their own goals and needs. 

Common treatment methods include:

  • manual “hands-on” therapy

  • soft tissue therapy

  • customized exercise program

  • advice and education

  • modalities - laser, ultrasound

  • acupuncture


What to wear.

We recommend that you come wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that will allow you move with ease and will allow us to easily see the skin, joints and muscles around your injury.


What it can help treat?

Some of the conditions chiropractors treat include:

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • headaches

  • whiplash

  • nerve conditions like sciatica and carpal tunnel

  • disc herniations

  • Strains

  • Sprains

  • Pain associated with arthritis

  • Work and sports injuries